Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Palo Verde National Park

The Palo Verde National Park protects a portion of the Tempisque River, where the lowlands, an incredibly diverse habitat where it joins the salt water and fresh, combining deciduous forest with rainforest

These sectors are of great importance as being covered by water (wetlands) that provide stopping points for migratory animals, especially between the months of January and February, giving this the highest concentration of birds in Central America

The large number of birds in the park, most are migratory birds that come to this region during the dry season, among the birds we have storks, herons, ibis, grebes and spatulas. The Island of Birds, in the middle of the river Tempisque, is particularly striking and is home to many species of exotic birds. The island is the largest heron nesting black crowned in Costa Rica and has other exotic bird species like the great curassow, toucans and macaws

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