Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hitoy-Cerere Biological Reserve

The name Hitoy-Cerere is derived from two Indian words Costa Rican, Hitoy referring to the "blanket" covering everything green in the park and Cerere meaning water, the abundance of this element in the area.

This park has not been studied in depth and has few visitors, but that this is due to the geological formation of the park which makes the terrain does not lend itself to easy access, plus the weather is very wet, yet these factors, combined with the disinterestedness of man have made ​​this park possesses a magnificent biodiversity

The temperature is maintained cosntante around 25 ° Celsius, with the possibility of rain throughout the year, especially in the evenings

On the west side of the park are lowlands on which there have been massive banana plantations in the valley of the Star, and for this area where you can access the park.

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