Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Marino Ballena National Park

Marino Ballena National Park its name makes clear, the importance not only scientific, but its cultural, environmental and tourism development lies mainly in the visit of the humpback whales that pass in late December to late April and July to September, when humpback whales migrate north to the tropical waters of Central America and avoid the cold winter.

The main reasons for creating it, the first Marine Park, Costa Rica, were: to protect and conserve the marine ecosystem of Punta Uvita and the area south of it, ensure the maintenance of critical habitat for breeding and spawning of marine species and maintain productivity of species that inhabit the coastal zone.

Common dolphins and Bottle Nose, Manta Rays, Hammerhead Sharks and Humpback Whales are part of this beautiful marine spectacle and fragile place. Although its main extrensión in the sea area within its protection are of great beauty beaches Piñuelas Beach, Playa Uvita and Ballena beach where sea turtles also nest

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