Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Monday, September 10, 2012

Palo Verde National Park

In the National Park Palo Verde, dry forest is covered by the sun, giving way to the proportions of tropical rainforest on the banks closer Tempisque. The semi-annual dry season runs from November to March. During these months, every molecule of water is sucked dry soil of the region, leaving the surviving vegetation malnourished. During the drought the forest throws the rest of their foliage. The fauna longs for coveted holes with water, waiting for the rainy season. Only River basin sustains life at that time, a green oasis of flora in stark contrast to the surrounding context of limestone.

April brings the first rains and the blooming forest again. The leaves begin to sprout from the bare branches of the trees while water streams feeding the Tempisque, attracting large numbers of migratory ducks.

Undoubtedly, bird watching is the main reason for visitors to enter the park. This activity is particularly good, because there is little vegetation allowing the view of wildlife. Because resources are scarce, the birds forage in water holes, which makes viewing. In addition, many migratory birds make their way to this region during the summer months.

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