Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Costa Rica Trip with Tachiz Travel

My wife and I returned this week following a ten day trip to Costa Rich planned by Tachiz Travel. We would recommend them to anyone. We worked with Alexis. He understood the trip we were looking to take, was very amenable to tweaking the itinerary based on our input and came through with everything. The hotels, local tour providers and transport were all great.
Alexis had stressed that we could call them at any time in country with any issues. The one time a local transport provider was late, we had the hotel tour desk call Tachiz and got a message quickly back that they were on their way. A few minutes later they arrived. That is good service.
I am happy to provide trip details as we had a wonderful time in Costa Rica. We started in San Jose and stayed at the Presedente Hotel as we arrived late at night into SJO. Enjoyed the energy of the city even for a short time.

Next stop was the Arenal Volcano area and we stayed at the Arenal Kioro. In Arenal we went on the Volcano Hike with a stop at The Springs resort for a dip in the hot springs. Next day we were on the hanging bridges tour.  From Arenal we went across the lake and onto Monteverde staying at El Establo and really enjoyed the Cloud Forest Reserve Hike. It was in the cloud forest that you could really see the differences in the CR microclimates from the hikes in Aranel.

We had wonderful tapas at Chimera and the next night ate at El Olivo (that I have reviewed on TA). From Monteverde we went to Manuel Antonio and stayed at La Mansion. While we enjoyed the other hotels, this was something special with wonderful views of the water and great service. We went on the MA park hike and the Damas Island Mangrove boat tour (and saw a troupe of monkeys crossing just ahead of us). The first night we ate at El Arado, an enjoyable open-air restaurant (bring cash as they don’t take cards, but worth the bumpy road to get there by taxi). Next night we ate at Kapi Kapi, a more established environment.

Then back to SJO and the trip home.   As I said in my original post, my wife and I appreciated the good service provided by Tachiz Travel www.tachiztravel.com

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