Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Costa Rica Sloth Bears

Costa Rica Sloth Bears : they prefer to occupy the air strata of primary and secondary forests , preferring areas with abundant pioneer plants transition of Cecropiaceae and Moraceae families.
Their behavior is nocturnal and diurnal , solitary and arboreal . Lazy female always walk in groups , while the male is solitary . Sloths usually spend most of their time in the tops of the trees where they avoid predators and get food and water. Its slowly shift makes it difficult to place in the forest. On the floor are clumsy and almost unable to walk , but it is a good swimmer or rather skilled , has seen crossing rivers , (although you can not say the same Sloth two fingers).
It also has a strange peculiarity , about once a week down from the top of the canopy to defecate , subject to dig a hole trunk with its tail, then defecates and closes this hole again. It is a mammal friendly and kind traits , the sloth is very well tailored differently than its surroundings, is not competitive is characterized as passive and cause minimum impact on nature, Their fur helps pass unnoticed hazard , presented his fur algae and lichens that help it blend into the greenery of the tropical forests , has parasitized hairs Two or three varieties of algae growing between its gray-green skin , and this color changes to light green during rainy season , providing protection through camouflage , sloths spend most of the day snoozing , is very resistant to attacks and wounds and withstands the rigors of hunger and thirst , although their movements are usually slow, his claws are very strong and can cause severe injuries.
Thanks to its extensive and powerful nails can be securely fastened to the branches and extending its 'arms' reach another tree. The rare lazy time is in the ground, where he can not walk , but must crawl on the floor , being easy prey to predator, Her long thick fur and grayish- brown color usually unicellular green algae that help you go unnoticed their main predators : the jaguar , ocelot and other felines . It is unlikely that another animal demonstrating the symbiosis of lazy property exists. This animal lives based on cooperation. Its thick skin is a paradise for insects. According to a report , you can find nine types of moths , beetles and four types of six types of ticks in the three-toed sloth . As a result , a sloth , which weighs less than five kilos , provides shelter to about 100 moths , beetles thousand and thousands of ticks. Once on the ground, opened his short, bushy tail and makes a hole in the bowel movements , then plug it back up the tree, this process takes half an hour which is in danger of being attacked by land animals, if a bear lazy falls overboard or have to cross water bodies are distinguished by being a good swimmer , every day and a half tree is changed by lianas. It has been shown that the two-toed sloth does not know or is not a good swimmer .
Species of sloth :There are , namely , two kinds of "lazy" : Choloepus , with only two claws on the front paws and Bradypus , also called "three claws " . The difference in the number of nails is the most notable difference between them although not without saying that the genus Choleupus are much larger and its tail is just a stump . They are the " lazy " one of the fascinating creatures of our forest , threatened by the systematic and massive habitat destruction .
Three-toed sloth ( Bradipus variegatus) :Usually its brown fur is thick everywhere except on the face. The fur of this animal is made up of two types of hair, a long, thick other finest and shorts that are not easily visible until the first is do not remove , long hairs gray-green and very special form are used by certain species of green algae to live , hence the greenish hue of its fur , and small round head, no visible ears , round eyes crossed by a line of black hair fashion mascara. Cola and short arms with three claws like their legs. The males have an orange spot between his shoulder blades. The sloth has a height ranging between 41 and 74 inches , a small head, flat and round , big eyes, flat nose and no ears. Their limbs are long and well developed , his fingers are attached and end in long claws and curves. The front legs are longer , are more developed and have more mobility than later , especially in the lazy belonging to the group of three fingers. It has about 18 teeth and their body temperature varies considerably according to the environment, so they are physiologically restricted to an equatorial habitat. The two-toed sloth is the mammal with the most variable temperature in a range of 24 ° C to 33 ° C. This mammal can live ten to twenty years, which only plays once . The species of the three fingers is the longest two .
The two-toed sloth ( Choloepus hoffmanni ) :They are very similar to the three-toed sloths , except that they do not have stains on the back and on her face , and of course the number of fingers and the lack of tail.
reproduction:Sloths are played once a year , giving birth to a single calf , which passes from mother embraced . At birth, are very weak and dependent , but when they turn 8 months old can already be fully independent and move independently. This calf that remains attached to the body of his mother in his early days , which starting at six weeks of age begins to treat them with disdain . Overcome the nine months begin a lazy youth independent living away from his mother. Females are ready to have children after the three and a half years , and four to five in the male. Their gestation period is 11 months. The only breeding laziness remains clinging to the fur of the mother until they can fend for themselves , which is 20 to 25 days after birth .
In Costa Rica there is a sanctuary for these animals for 20 years in the Caribbean province of Limon which was founded by a Costa Rican and his American wife and receive help from volunteers.

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