Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Monday, July 9, 2012

Barra Honda National Park

Barra Honda National Park was created in 1971 to protect an interesting cave system. Although the park has been shortened in the past, now is home to diverse and abundant species, which enjoy state protection, which has led many groups before endangered recover.

There is a good system of roads and trails through the park, allowing access to the caves, with their unusual formations of stalagmites. The park is located on the northern peninsula of Nicoya.

Barra Honda contains a vast system of caverns, about 42 of which only 19 have been widely explored. These caves are renowned for being perfectly preserved, proving that conservation efforts to retain all of the geo-bilógicas the area have been successful.

In this area there is more diversity, but the principal inhabitants are monkeys, coyotes, snakes and other reptiles, they have developed adaptations to hot and humid climate of this area in particular.

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