Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Friday, June 8, 2012

Cocos Island

Cocos Island is a lush green bouquet in the ocean, with its palm trees and abundant water, this oceanic island has become a place of renown in the world. During the ages 17 and 18 was an excellent hideout for pirates, who flourished on the Pacific coasts of Spanish America.

This island is located about 500 kilometers off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, and it is believed that there are many hidden treasures left by former Buccaneers between 1684 and 1821.

In addition to material riches this place is unique for its flora and fauna, land and sea.

Scientists and naturalists from around the world use this island as a permanent research station, making it a biological laboratory of the largest in the world.

So far have identified 97 species of birds, of which three are indigenous to this area as well as two unique species of reptiles and 20% of the insects are not found anywhere else.

The predominant vegetation includes large endemic trees, as well as ferns and conifers.

Cuckoo birds like flycatchers and Cocos Island and other animals live more common as cats, pigs and deer.

The rocky coast is surrounded by cliffs up to 183 meters high and is filled with water caves, surrounded by incredibly clear water rich in wildlife.
Sharks abound, especially giant hammerhead sharks, but are also common white fins and whale sharks have been seen nearby. Other specimens of marine life that inhabit these islands are blankets, dolphins, tuna and dorado.

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