Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Monday, June 11, 2012

La Amistad International Park

This is the largest and most remote park in Costa Rica, and one of the least known-this vast agglomeration of land runs along the continental slope south of the country.

Half the park is in Costa Rica, which shares the rest with Panama, and represents the first attempts to create and manage protected areas internationally

The elevation of this park is between 200 to 3.549 meters of altitude on Cerro Chirripo, which also have made incredible discoveries to be found fossilized remains of marine life, suggesting that this was once the seabed.

There is an extraordinary variety of wildlife, have identified 263 species of amphibians, 400 birds, 500 species of trees and over 130 species of orchids.

The most common animals are jaguars, pumas, skunks, anteaters and salamanders.

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