Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tortuguero National Park

Tortuguero is a destination worth visiting, so if you want to travel to this wonderful place will have to travel by boat on the rivers, canals and lagoons from either port access, Moin, CaƱo Blanco, Cariari and La Geest, through a complex network of rivers fed by the waters of the rivers that descend from the Cordillera Central, surrounded by a vast, dense vegetation, but this is not a boring or tedious journey but a great opportunity to observe the flora and fauna that makes Tortuguero. Another way to get to Tortuguero is by plane.

Of flora will surprise the thousands of species that find, from giant trees like mountain almond or ceiba, to exotic plants like orchids or bromeliads, to countless microscopic organisms that are the basis of life in the tropics.

For animal species will be assured that witnessed his presence. Among the most unusual mammals that can be found are three species of monkeys, sloths, raccoons and armadillos, and here live cats like the jaguar and ocelot. Reptiles include alligators, crocodiles and turtles, and amphibians found among some of the most colorful and exotic frogs in the world, like the poisonous red frog. For bird lovers this is certainly a good destination because there are many species that can be seen easily, as toucans, herons, roseate spoonbills, cormorants and ospreys.
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