Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Switzerland of Central America

Multicolored, deserted and pristine beaches , crystal clear waters , lush rainforest , flora and wildlife curious and interesting , and unexplored splendid national parks, rivers and streams clear and lovely , untamed forests and spectacular volcanoes all in an atmosphere of exotic adventure : These are the essential ingredients of this fabulous cocktail called by Columbus Costa Rica .
Costa Rica is a unique destination in the world capable of offering , in the smallest geographic area is known , the largest variety of natural wealth that no other country has . We have different types of climates and landscapes, which can be visited thanks to uneven terrain and microclimates , in just a few hours. Tropical rainforest in the Caribbean, the South Pacific Tropical forest in the Central Pacific , Tropical Dry Forest and Transition in the North and Central Pacific , Sub Montane Forest in the Central Valley and vicinity and Cloud Forest and Paramo in the heights of the Cordilleras divide the country into two . Bizarre volcanic landscapes, large rivers and estuaries , and mangroves swampos , Pacific just 4 hours ... Caribbean attractions for nature lovers are simply endless , thanks to Costa Rica has been able to protect precious treasure , ensuring their natural resources as few countries have been able to do.
The great biodiversity , typical of the country , it also affects the people ... The Ticos ... In fact, people of different faiths and races living in the country in perfect harmony and united by love for the natural and mutual respect.
This very tolerant attitude makes the Tico in an extremely friendly, helpful, spontaneous and open person , blessed by a strong national pride
A friendly and sincere smile emerges from the faces of the inhabitants of this paradise , something hard to find in some parts of the planet.

Costa Rica is also one of the oldest democracies in the world , a fact that has given him the opportunity to call and be recognized as the Switzerland of Central America .

Eternal peace and friendliness are as much a part of the population, up by law governing the army was abolished already more than 5 decades.

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