Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tenorio Volcano National Park

This National Park is located in the Arenal Conservation Area, is a recent creation of Protected Wild Areas Arenal Conservation Area , mostly features well-preserved primary forests , has a high diversity of mammals , standing out for being a flagship species tapir, represented in a good population, its rich flora tree stands Jícaro Danto, endemic to the Cordillera de Guanacaste.
It also has the attraction park of exceptional beauty as Rio Celeste Waterfall , Blue Lagoon , and the hot springs Teñideros among others.


This Protected Area was originally enacted Forest Reserve Guanacaste Volcanic Range of the executive decree number 5836 -A of the February 25, 1976 . The April 24, 1978 with Executive Order 8473 -A previous reform decree and Reserve sectioned into three zones comprising the land located near the volcanoes Orosi, Miravalles and Tenorio .
Later in 1992 ranging changes to Protected Area Management Tenorio .
Finally on April 27, 1995 by the decree already mentioned Tenorio Volcano National Park , a category that has actualmente.Este park is attached to the protective zone that Tenorio has an area of ​​5530.98 hectares of decrees , which forms a block 18402.51 hectares of forest .


Among the most representative and outstanding wildlife are: the jaguar, puma, ocelot, ​​causel, tapir,  mountain goat ,tepezcuintle and umbrella bird.
Due to the altitudinal range of 700 m to 1916 m, in the Park is different living areas and a varied vegetation where vegetation is located ; dominate the understory level palms , heliconias, Marantaceae , gingers and costáceas ; between epiphytes are common bromeliads , aroids , orchids and Gesneriaceae , among the most common trees are : aguacatillos , cucaracho pylon zapotillo , caobilla , cedar marie.
The flora is varied and in it stands a high diversity of palms, helicinias , ferns , bromeliads , orchids and more. As for the trees, excel aguacatillos , sapodilla , pylons and danto gourd , which is endemic to this region and is characterized by flowers and fruits attached to the trunk.
Among the fauna found the following varieties: tapir , peccary, brocket deer , squirrels, howler and white-faced monkeys , minigordo puma, anteaters and birds, especially bird bell , turkeys , and trogons .
 Other attractions are the waterfalls of blue river, panoramic views, hot vapors, streams within the forest and teñideros which are responsible for giving the blue color to the river so named for its color.
Likewise, features a nature trail called "Mysteries of Tenorio", a distance of 3,200 m and approximately three hours.

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