Tachiz Travel Costa Rica

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tropical Dry Forest in Costa Rica

The location of this forest is located in the province of Guanacaste from Tempisque Valley north to the border with Nicaragua and south to the mouth of the Tarcoles River. This forest is surrounded by a band of cold - moist transitional forest. The temperature is around 26-28 º and altitude 700 meters. The dry season of 6 months are called deciduous because most of the trees lose their leaves during those months to prevent water loss. During the dry season, a lot of forest species produce showy blooms. Presents an area of precipitation between 800 and 2100 mm of annual rainfall. This type of forest is semi-deciduous tree with two strata: canopy trees, 20 to 30m tall, sturdy stems and leaves often made , small and deciduous during the dry season. The main component is cesalpinosas mimosas and legumes. The second layer has trees between 10 and 20m high, with slender, curved or bent trunks and with a greater amount of evergreen species. Family Rubiaceae plants is more common. Epiphytes are occasional being the most conspicuous bromeliads. The shrub layer ranges between 2 and 5m high and often show spines or quills.Some common plant species in this area of life are: Anacardium excelsum ( espavel ) Enterelobium cyclocarpum ( Guanacaste ), Samanea saman ( rain tree ), Tabebia rosea ( oak savanna ), Hymenaea courbaril ( jatoba ), Manilkara sapota ( gum ) Cochlospermum vitifolium ( drip drip ) Calycophyllum candidissimum ( strawberry ) and Bombacopsis quinatum ( pochote ). In these formations bignoniácias legume and are very common.A tall, lush forest, which predominate Brosimum sp presents fertile, moist soils and banks of rivers. Anacardium excelsum and Terminalia sp, and some species more humid places like the Palma Real ( Scheelea rostrata ). Sites where fire is frequent, together with poor soils vegetation dominated by American Curatella ( scraped gourd ) and develops Byrsonima crassifolia ( mance ) on flat more ph with a waterproof estarto , usually waterlogged during the rainy season, and fires during the dry, Crescentia alata association occurs, and soils Quercus originate tuffs occurs oleoides (oak ).
The Palo Verde National Park protects an area representative of this area of ​​life. Such vegetation can be seen in the vicinity of Santa Rosa National Park and the Skyline Forest Station.
In forests undisturbed by human activity: in the dry forest can be differentiated up to 3 layers, the higher and higher with a height of 20 m, with an average and lower horizons, the understory is sparse and composed of thorny bushes. Are occasionally found emerging individuals. They can be found between 90 to 150 species per hectare of tree species.
But the wealth of the dry forests of Costa Rica is not limited to its flora, also birds, mammals, reptiles and insects are part of it . Among the most common species may be mentioned: howler monkey , white-tailed deer, squirrels, coyotes, owls, woodpeckers, trogons, soterrey, hawks, lizards , turtles land chirraras, the black iguana, armadillo, coati, squirrels, multicolored butterflies, swarms of insects, ants and agouti. Just to mention some of the many species that can be found.
A wide variety of wild birds of many shapes, colors and types of songs is one of the characteristics of dry forest.
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